Is The Intelligent Investor For You?

Great Question

At The Intelligent Investor We Teach You How To Create Wealth That Lasts Through Real Estate. So, If You Are An Aspiring Or Already Active Real Estate Investor, Looking To Make The Most Intelligent Investments Possible, Or You Simply Want To Become An Extremely Intelligent Investor, Keep Reading!

The One Stop Shop For All Things Real Estate

The TII Solution

We are here to help you with all things real estate.

We have been doing this for more than two decades and with over $450MM of developed real estate, 9-figures under management, and $40MM+ paid to our investors, we like to think we know a thing or two about helping real estate enthusiasts create more impact, cash flow, and unbreakable wealth.

The Intelligent Investor is the end-all-be-all education platform and investment incubator for hundreds of investors all over the United States.

Our Story

With over 27 years of experience, Shannon Robnett has been a leading real estate developer and syndicator in Boise, Idaho. With 5 generations of real estate professionals it truly is in his blood. 
As time went on it became increasingly important to build out infrastructure to help him develop more projects and acquire more real estate. However, in the process people kept asking Shannon if they could invest with him. It never really occurred to him until the question came up multiple times. As he thought about it more he realized he could help a lot of people and under his guidance and property management skills he could buy and develop more impactful real estate that the investors would benefit more from with cash flow, appreciation, and tax breaks.
As such, The Intelligent Investor was born; your full-service team dedicated to teaching you about real estate, how to invest in it, how to create cash flow, how to create wealth, and how to effectively leverage real estate when it comes to taxes.
So here we are and here you are; with full access to learning from us as well as investing alongside us in our deals!

Who We Are

Our Investors

Who Does The Intelligent
Investor Work With?

We are here to educate anyone from all walks of life; whether you are a sophisticated investor already looking for the perfect deal to meet your investment needs or you are brand new to real estate looking to gain skills.

When it comes to our investment opportunities we have two offerings: 506b & 506c. In layman’s terms this means we work with both accredited and non-accredited investors. All investments are done through Vertical Equity; our investment incubator. We have clients that have invested millions of dollars across several of our deals and we have clients that “get their feet wet” with as little as $50K.

The most important thing for us is to help you with your specific needs. We find more often than not that every investor has a unique goal in mind; whether it is monthly cash flow that they are looking for, a 1031 exchange (exiting from an existing real estate holding they have), or they want to create some appreciation (a short hold with a handsome payday upon exit), we are here to help with all of the above.


Someone once said, “if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” And that is what we are here to do!

Our Process

Our Key To Success

Our Proprietary Method

The key to the success we have created for our investors is because of our proprietary method.
Let’s get one thing straight; cookie-cutter investments that are advertised to the masses get you what the masses get; average results. Our financial system has been entirely created around what is best for Wall Street, what makes Wall Street money, and oftentimes what the stock-broker or rep gets paid the highest commission on.
Even our education system provides no help when it comes to learning the tax-saving-tactics and investment strategies of the wealthy. We don’t accept this at The Intelligent Investor. Financial literacy has to change and we are here to do that. Real estate is one of the best and oldest tools in the arsenal that helps millions of people every single year pay less taxes while creating more cash flow and generational wealth than anything else out there!
We have a very specific way we and our investors acquire real estate which is based on many different factors;
More often than not mistakes are made when an investor is misinformed, uneducated, or unaware. We don’t make these types of mistakes at TII. It’s our expertise that has allowed us to pay over $40MM out to investors and it’s our experience that allows us to maximize the appreciation of our real estate holdings, cash flow, and create wealth when others simply see a building with 4 walls and a roof.

“Opportunity comes to those who create it.”

-Ben Oberg…and probably someone else from way long ago because it’s not even that great of a quote.

Market Research And Data-Driven Analysis

So Let's Talk a Bit About What Makes What We Do So Unique…

You can’t just do the same thing over and over and expect to hit a home run every time just because it worked the first time. By the end of Q2, 2023 the Federal Reserve had increased rates 3 times which put over-leveraged investors in a very bad spot. Many homeowners and real estate investors had to give up their properties; which then were swept up by more intelligent investors that had seen these types of market conditions coming for a long time.
It takes precision and experience to see opportunity, create opportunity, and underwrite every single piece of real estate specific to the economy, market cycle, geographical location, market demand for that particular type of property, and so on.
We say this to illustrate one simple point; every single deal is different and every single deal is unique to itself because it has to be. If this much care and attention is not given it’s not an intelligent investment.

This is why we might have an $80MM, 200-unit apartment complex under development in one market while we might be in another market in another state on an entirely different asset class; it’s all market and economy specific.

Looking into the future

What's the outlook on real estate

The real estate market is on the move! By 2030, experts predict that commercial real estate will grow by 15%, industrial by 10%, and apartment complexes by a whopping 25%. These aren’t just random numbers; they show where the big opportunities are. Shannon Robnett, a big name in real estate, knows how to pick the right markets and make money from them. He’s been around, investing and developing in real estate, and he’s seen many market shifts. When you join forces with experts like Shannon, you don’t just get a chance to learn you are able to take action towards your own future.

With the Intelligent Investor, we are here to provide education around real estate investing so you can become more knowledgeable about predicting and reacting to the markets ups and downs. It’s about really understanding how the real estate world works so your money can grow more. With help from Shannon Robnett, you’re not just becoming more educated – you’re setting yourself up for a good financial future. The main thing? Learn as much as you can. The more you learn, the more money you can make. So, jump in, learn from the best, and watch your dreams come true.

Now, If this sounds like a bunch of latin
here's some recap on why you are here

The Intelligent Investor is for you to learn about real estate, learn WHY real estate, and if you feel so inclined you can invest alongside us in our deals so that you can build wealth with us!

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And if you made it this far all the way to the bottom of the page congratulations because that was a lot of reading. And more importantly, thank you for considering to grow together with The Intelligent Investor!

What's the outlook on real estate